Clod Ensemble
As part time General Manager, Penny raised over a million £’s
to include the company’s first 3 year ACE funding (recently
confirmed for a further 3 years), Trusts and Foundation
funding, Lottery funding and over half a million from Guys and
St Thomas Charity to support its Performing Medicine new and
innovative training programmes for medical professionals.
Artsdepot, North London
A £15 million arts centre in North London opened in October
2004, as part time Development Manager raised over
£850,000 towards equipping the centre, including the naming
of the Pentland Theatre. Initiated and orchestrated a private
reception at 10 Downing Street hosted by Cherie Booth and
the opening of the centre by HRH Prince Edward.
Other successful fundraising activities
Successful funding applications to Arts Council and Trusts and
Foundations to support development funding for The Brook
Street Band, War Correspondents production and tour.
Regular Arts Council funding support secured for Vamos
Theatre, Full House, PuntoCero, London Circus Venue
Alliance (City Circ), Urban Expansions, Apples & Snakes and
Freeword and a EUCLID bid for Scarlets Theatre Company.
Penny produced a
Fundraising Strategy
for Gecko Theatre.
Also see Trestle Arts
Base, Graeae and
Southend in Arts
Building Projects.
Raised and managed
the required £2 million
to create Trestle Arts
Base in a 100 year old
church in St Albans.